....continued, mmm, where were we? oh ya, we are still at the cow ranch. Are you ready for more cows? moo~~~~ . Woke up real early like around 5.30am. Well, guess what? We are going for milk squeezing today, from a real cow, yea you heard me. Don't get afraid, they are all very nice and polite cows, except for one thing, they stink! Before we proceed, have you ever wondered why Flying Cow? Well "Flying" expresses the butterfly while "Cow" expresses the milk. It was once knew as Central Youth Ranch Village. So far they have about 360 Holstein Cows and there are about 60 on the ranch.
people actually come here for wedding photoshoot |
this is a black goat...yeap, that's me being very afraid when i was feeding it cause i swear they were damn hungry i tell you! |
All these goats are so damn hungry i tell you, once it bit on the grass, you better let go, if not you'll be pulled along together with the grass and you might get hurt, or it's teeth might get hurt.
next up, night markets in Taiwan..*stay tune*
Did you get to taste the milk that you just squeezed? :P
oooohhh cant wait to read ur next post about night markets!!
Wow.. I saw cow in the row :)
eww... it's disgusting whenmilking cow...haha..i tried before...when I went Melbourne..^^
Moooo~ It's so pretty!
ahhh the goat is sooo cute>< haha cows buttocks in a row XP
I would want my wedding picture taken there :D and naise photos of goats and cows :D
Do you get to drink fresh cow milk you squeeze ? =p
Soooooooo nice!!!! they wont eat ur hand out la!! haha
so mooo the place...
the last 2nd last pic... the tree so special~
you seriously milked cows ??? and the goat is looks so cute :3
Waaaaa okay la next time I open a farm you come and milk the cow. :P
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