Monday, May 9, 2011

Meet Sheep the Rabbit

Hey guys, been hiatus for a decade already, lol. Anyway I'm back with a lame post, i guess? Erm, so meet my new pal although I don't know it's a he or a she, but Hilda name it Sheepbit, cause it's a combination of a rabbit and a sheep, don't you think?? So yea, these are all Sheepbit's everyday lifestyle.

Enjoying Mp3 Music
Reading CLEO Magazine
**Hello??? **
She like's to go on vacation too, with her personal private red jet
her new pal, say hello to Hello Kitty
She have the BIG Smile like Mr McDonald
Sheepbit sun bathing
as for this, ermmm being drown in a cup
Currently having my second clinical posting and it's only 4 days left, counting on the days, woots woots...I'm bored of eating the same food over and over again, Steven's corner roti telur + teh tarik for breakfast everyday, Ampang Fishball Noodles (the one and only cheapest food we found around there), chicken rice, Kin Kin Pan Mee, Meatball Noodles, Hakka Noodles and i think the most of the noodles portion are too small, ok i admit my appetite is big but it's really small and it cost RM5.50 (min) per bowl. Can't wait for my 2 months of holiday although i haven't plan anything for it yet.


Hilda Milda™ said...

Sheepbit, Y U SO cute like me? :D

Isaac Tan said...

lol! What a cute fluffy toy!!

Vince G said...

Awwwww sho cute I can has a sheepbit nao. >.@

Merryn said...

alamax kecian nyer the last pics!!! Call 911!

Anonymous said...

hi, help support my mom and "like on her pic"

Thank you so much

Koh Kian Fai said...

hahah what la . . . the MCD smile mask put on the Sheepbit looks like Hilda lo =P