I'm always that excited when I receive any packages, i guess curiosity is my thing? Ordered this last Friday with Hilda and finally it's here. It's suppose to be here yesterday due to some stock numbering problem, but never mind it's here now, can't wait to wear it next week. It all look so pretty.
arrived safe and sound all the way from N. Sembilan
arrived safe and sound all the way from N. Sembilan
the packaging look so secure and solid
took me some time to unwrap it, haha!
Total 4 pairs (RM25 per pair): Grey, Blue, Pink, Brown
I ordered the grey and the blue, while the pink and the brown are Hilda's
I wonder IF sheepbit can wear one of these, LOL
Candy Swirl Pink & Candy Sweety Brown
If anyone is interested, do drop by their FB Page, My Lens House or visit their blog, House of Accessories
owned by a girl name Jacq :)
If anyone is interested, do drop by their FB Page, My Lens House or visit their blog, House of Accessories
owned by a girl name Jacq :)
omgggg so pretty! can't wait to wear them alreadyyyyyyy :D
Wow... candylicious enuff! Hahaha... Joeanney wearing lens also?? ^u^
I hope to buy these but not allowed. Sad!!
Pweeety lenses! :)
Too bad my eyes can't get use to it :(
looks really good and unique. Are you wearing those now?? When can let me see? Lol!
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